Kieran McKENNA

The wife and family of the late Kieran McKenna, wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised and supported us during our recent sad bereavement. We thank our family circle, friends and neighbours for all their help; and to those who attended the wake, sent cards, brought gifts and food, and helped in any way.

A special word of thanks to Canon Noel McGahan for celebrating Kieran’s funeral mass, and for all his support during the period of Kieran’s illness.

We thank the staff of North West Cancer Centre Altnagelvin Hospital, Southwest Acute Hospital Enniskillen, Acute Care at Home team, Clogher Valley District Nurses and Carers, the Doctors and Nurses of Errigal Medical Centre, and Valley Pharmacy Clogher.

We are so grateful to Dominic Muldoon and Phelim McKenna funeral directors, for their care and attention to detail in carrying out the funeral arrangements, the beautiful mass booklets, and cards.

Thank you to the gravediggers for preparing Kieran’s final resting place, to Cathal McGirr for providing the marquee, to Phelim Mulrine for livestreaming the Mass, and to the car park team at the Forth Chapel.

A special thank you to the McSorley and McKenna families for the very fitting music at Kieran’s funeral mass. To Paudge Quinn for providing refreshments after the funeral, and Clogher Valley community centre for the use of the hall.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a sincere token of our heartfelt appreciation.

Kieran’s Months Mind will take place on Sunday 30th of July at 11.15 in St Macartan’s Church (Forth Chapel.)

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Dominic Muldoon Funeral Directors

5 Whitelough Road,
Co. Tyrone
028 8555 7833
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The death has occurred of:
Kieran McKENNA

The wife and family of the late Kieran McKenna, wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised and supported us during our recent sad bereavement. We thank our family circle, friends and neighbours for all their help; and to those who attended the wake, sent cards, brought gifts and food, and helped in any way.

A special word of thanks to Canon Noel McGahan for celebrating Kieran’s funeral mass, and for all his support during the period of Kieran’s illness.

We thank the staff of North West Cancer Centre Altnagelvin Hospital, Southwest Acute Hospital Enniskillen, Acute Care at Home team, Clogher Valley District Nurses and Carers, the Doctors and Nurses of Errigal Medical Centre, and Valley Pharmacy Clogher.

We are so grateful to Dominic Muldoon and Phelim McKenna funeral directors, for their care and attention to detail in carrying out the funeral arrangements, the beautiful mass booklets, and cards.

Thank you to the gravediggers for preparing Kieran’s final resting place, to Cathal McGirr for providing the marquee, to Phelim Mulrine for livestreaming the Mass, and to the car park team at the Forth Chapel.

A special thank you to the McSorley and McKenna families for the very fitting music at Kieran’s funeral mass. To Paudge Quinn for providing refreshments after the funeral, and Clogher Valley community centre for the use of the hall.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a sincere token of our heartfelt appreciation.

Kieran’s Months Mind will take place on Sunday 30th of July at 11.15 in St Macartan’s Church (Forth Chapel.)

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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Dominic Muldoon Funeral Directors

5 Whitelough Road,
Co. Tyrone

028 8555 7833

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