The family of the late Kevin McElhatton would like to express our sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation for the support and help shown to us by our relatives, friends and neighbours during our recent bereavement. We want to acknowledge all those who attended the wake and funeral, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, private messages, phone calls, floral tributes, posted on social media and provided food, or aided in any way.

Our sincere gratitude for all those who cared for Papa during his illness, especially HSC trust Carer’s, the doctors, nurses and staff of Ardmore Surgery, the Southern Trust Acute Care at home team, District Nurses, Marie Curie nurses and staff of Medichem chemist Dungannon.

A special word of thanks to Dean Donaghy for his spiritual support and beautiful Requiem mass. To Aideen, Brian, Kelly and Aisling for their exceptional singing and music.

Thanks to PJ and Patrick Quinn for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out and to the gravediggers who prepared daddy’s final resting place. Thanks also to the Ryandale Moy for providing the funeral meal.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust you will accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation. Kevin’s month mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday 24th June at 7:30pm in St Patrick's Church, Dungannon.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intensions.

The McElhatton and Kelly Families Dunamore and Dungannon

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Service Arrangements

Service date & Time

24 June 2022, 7.30PM



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Patrick Quinn & Son

68 Scotch Street,
Co. Tyrone
028 8772 2053/07802 289794
View Directory Profile

The death has occurred of:

The family of the late Kevin McElhatton would like to express our sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation for the support and help shown to us by our relatives, friends and neighbours during our recent bereavement. We want to acknowledge all those who attended the wake and funeral, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, private messages, phone calls, floral tributes, posted on social media and provided food, or aided in any way.

Our sincere gratitude for all those who cared for Papa during his illness, especially HSC trust Carer’s, the doctors, nurses and staff of Ardmore Surgery, the Southern Trust Acute Care at home team, District Nurses, Marie Curie nurses and staff of Medichem chemist Dungannon.

A special word of thanks to Dean Donaghy for his spiritual support and beautiful Requiem mass. To Aideen, Brian, Kelly and Aisling for their exceptional singing and music.

Thanks to PJ and Patrick Quinn for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out and to the gravediggers who prepared daddy’s final resting place. Thanks also to the Ryandale Moy for providing the funeral meal.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust you will accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation. Kevin’s month mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday 24th June at 7:30pm in St Patrick's Church, Dungannon.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intensions.

The McElhatton and Kelly Families Dunamore and Dungannon

Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

24 June 2022, 7.30PM


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Share this sad news with friends and loved ones

Kirwan Funeral Directors

Patrick Quinn & Son

68 Scotch Street,
Co. Tyrone

028 8772 2053/07802 289794

View Directory Profile