The death has occurred of:
Kathleen McGUIGAN
We, the family of the late Kathleen McGuigan wish to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who sympathised with us on our recent bereavement.
Thanks to all our relatives, neighbours and friends who brought gifts of food, made tea, those who provided refreshments in the family home, assisted with parking, provided transport and gravediggers. Thanks to those who sent Mass/Sympathy cards, offered their condolences by phone or social media or during the wake.
We wish to express our sincere appreciation to Fr. Donnelly who celebrated the Requiem mass with such a personal and moving homily, and to Jacqueline Loughran and Eamon Donnelly whose beautiful singing and music made the funeral mass even more poignant and beautiful.
Our heartfelt thanks to all Staff at Drapersfield Nursing Home for their dedicated loving care and support for mum and our family during the last few years.
Thanks to Philip Morris Funeral Director for the dignified and caring manner in which they carried out funeral arrangements and Mill Wheel who provided refreshments after the funeral.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.
Mum's months mind mass will be celebrated on Friday 31st March at 7.30pm in Our Lady of the Wayside, Broughderg.
Our Lady pray for her.