Kathleen McCLAY (née Hegarty)

Month's Mind Mass / Acknowledgement

Kathleen McClay

The family of the late Kathleen McClay, Fallowfield Park, would like to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathised with us and supported us during our recent bereavement.

We sincerely thank all our kind relatives, neighbours, friends and work colleagues who have helped us throughout this difficult time.

We are very grateful to all those who called to the house during the wake and to everyone who attended Mum's funeral. We also wish to thank those who kindly sent Mass Cards, Sympathy Cards and donations to St. Vincent De Paul society in lieu of flowers.

Our sincere thanks are extended to Fr. Michael Canny, P.P., both for his spiritual care during Mum's illness and for his celebration of her funeral mass.

We wish to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which they conducted the funeral arrangements.

We profoundly thank Dr Joe McEvoy and all the administrative staff and district nurses of Bayview Medical Practice for their care of our mother over many years. Killian Johnston and the staff of Sweeny's Pharmacy are thanked too for their prompt and professional service at all times. The kindness and compassion shown on a daily basis by Domiciliary Care (by Hilary, Jenna, Judith and Yvonne in particular) was always of great comfort to our family; you have our deepest gratitude.

As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, we ask that you please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our sincere appreciation.

Mum's month's mind mass will be celebrated in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Trench Road, on Saturday 16th. December at 11.00 a.m.

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Service Arrangements

Service date & Time

16 December 2023, 11.00AM

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Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors

31 William Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
Visit Website
028 7126 4467
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The death has occurred of:
Kathleen McCLAY (née Hegarty)

Month's Mind Mass / Acknowledgement

Kathleen McClay

The family of the late Kathleen McClay, Fallowfield Park, would like to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathised with us and supported us during our recent bereavement.

We sincerely thank all our kind relatives, neighbours, friends and work colleagues who have helped us throughout this difficult time.

We are very grateful to all those who called to the house during the wake and to everyone who attended Mum's funeral. We also wish to thank those who kindly sent Mass Cards, Sympathy Cards and donations to St. Vincent De Paul society in lieu of flowers.

Our sincere thanks are extended to Fr. Michael Canny, P.P., both for his spiritual care during Mum's illness and for his celebration of her funeral mass.

We wish to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which they conducted the funeral arrangements.

We profoundly thank Dr Joe McEvoy and all the administrative staff and district nurses of Bayview Medical Practice for their care of our mother over many years. Killian Johnston and the staff of Sweeny's Pharmacy are thanked too for their prompt and professional service at all times. The kindness and compassion shown on a daily basis by Domiciliary Care (by Hilary, Jenna, Judith and Yvonne in particular) was always of great comfort to our family; you have our deepest gratitude.

As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, we ask that you please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our sincere appreciation.

Mum's month's mind mass will be celebrated in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Trench Road, on Saturday 16th. December at 11.00 a.m.

Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

16 December 2023, 11.00AM


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors

31 William Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

028 7126 4467

View Directory Profile