The death has occurred of:
Kathleen CONROY
We the family of the late Kathleen Conroy thank sincerely everyone who sympathized and offered support during our recent sad bereavement.
To all who attended the wake and funeral, telephoned, sent messages, sympathy cards and mass cards and helped out in many ways.
A very special thanks to Fr O’Dwyer for his spiritual attendance and compassion shown throughout mother’s long illness, and for the beautiful funeral mass.
To the kindness of district nurses who attended Mammy on a regular basis, we say thank you. Also gratitude to all the staff at Paul Tallon’s Pharmacy who were also instrumental in mum’s wellbeing from the early days, thank you. A special thank you to our carers who attended Mammy faithfully.
Thanks also to Dr Rice and Ms Mathers (Craigavon Breast Clinic) for their kindness and compassion to our mother.
To Alison and Majella (Marie Curie Nurses), who supported and strengthened us through the last 3 nights of Mammy’s time on this earth, thank you from our hearts.
To Fergal and Paddy (Farleys Funeral Directors) for the sensitive and dignified manner they carried out their duties and provided the much-appreciated replenishments after the funeral.
To Ciaran Conroy for his professional preparation of the grave.
To Claire, whose beautiful singing brought solace to our hearts.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude and appreciation.
Kathleen’s month mind mass will be celebrated on Monday 20th March 2023 at 7pm in St Mary’s Church Dunmoyle.