Kathleen Mc Conomy (née Doherty)


Acknowledgment / Months Mind Mass

On behalf of the family of the late Kathleen McConomy, who passed away peacefully on 4th June 2023, we would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us on the sad passing of our mammy.

We offer our heartfelt thanks to the many friends, neighbours and well-wishers who visited her home, attended the wake, funeral mass and burial, and who provided emotional support for us at this difficult time. To those who sent flowers, cards and messages of condolences those who donated to charity and everyone who provided food and refreshments, this was greatly appreciated by the family.

A special word of thanks to Fr. McCaughey who attended mum and also to Fr. Shea O’Donnell who attended Mammy and bringing the sacraments of the anointing of the sick and the Blessed Eucharist. A special thanks also to Father O’Donnell for the heartfelt mass, with a special mention to Ciara McCafferty for her beautiful singing, and all those who took part in the readings and prayers and carrying of the gifts. Our deepest thanks, also, to the Carr Family Funeral Directors for their professionalism and the dignity shown to Mum and all the family throughout our difficult time.

A special word of thanks to Quayside medical centre and all the medical staff who attended and cared for Mammy. A special word of thanks also to Racecourse Pharmacy.

Sincere thanks to Mums sit in carers Jane and Jacqueline who adored our Mammy and were a lifeline to the family. Special thanks also to Strabane District Carers and Northwest Carers who looked after Mammy on a daily basis over the past few years.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement from the family, Seamus, Charles, Marie and Rosetta and her sister Eileen, as an expression of our deepest gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Mammys Month’s Mind Mass will be held on Saturday 1st July 2023 in St Brigid’s, Carnhill at 6.00pm. All Welcome.

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Abbey Funeral Services / Carr Funeral Services

8 Abbey Park,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
028 7126 3388
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The death has occurred of:
Kathleen Mc Conomy (née Doherty)

Acknowledgment / Months Mind Mass

On behalf of the family of the late Kathleen McConomy, who passed away peacefully on 4th June 2023, we would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us on the sad passing of our mammy.

We offer our heartfelt thanks to the many friends, neighbours and well-wishers who visited her home, attended the wake, funeral mass and burial, and who provided emotional support for us at this difficult time. To those who sent flowers, cards and messages of condolences those who donated to charity and everyone who provided food and refreshments, this was greatly appreciated by the family.

A special word of thanks to Fr. McCaughey who attended mum and also to Fr. Shea O’Donnell who attended Mammy and bringing the sacraments of the anointing of the sick and the Blessed Eucharist. A special thanks also to Father O’Donnell for the heartfelt mass, with a special mention to Ciara McCafferty for her beautiful singing, and all those who took part in the readings and prayers and carrying of the gifts. Our deepest thanks, also, to the Carr Family Funeral Directors for their professionalism and the dignity shown to Mum and all the family throughout our difficult time.

A special word of thanks to Quayside medical centre and all the medical staff who attended and cared for Mammy. A special word of thanks also to Racecourse Pharmacy.

Sincere thanks to Mums sit in carers Jane and Jacqueline who adored our Mammy and were a lifeline to the family. Special thanks also to Strabane District Carers and Northwest Carers who looked after Mammy on a daily basis over the past few years.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement from the family, Seamus, Charles, Marie and Rosetta and her sister Eileen, as an expression of our deepest gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Mammys Month’s Mind Mass will be held on Saturday 1st July 2023 in St Brigid’s, Carnhill at 6.00pm. All Welcome.


Funeral Details


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Abbey Funeral Services / Carr Funeral Services

8 Abbey Park,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

028 7126 3388

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