The death has occurred of:
Kathleen Cope (née Quinn)
The family of the late Kathleen Cope wish to express there sincere gratitude to all who sympathised and travelled to be with them in their recent bereavement. Thanks to everyone who sent mass and sympathy cards.
A special thanks Fr Gerard Tremer for the beautiful Requiem mass also Thanks to the Eucharistic minister's and sacristan.
Thanks to Gerry Loughern for the beautiful singing at the Funeral Mass.
A special thank you to the grave diggers who prepared Kathleens grave.
We would like to thank K M Quinn funeral directors for the professional manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements.
Special thanks to the staff of Brooklands nursing home Magheralfet for caring for Kathleen.
Kathleens months mind mass will be celebrated on Sunday 12th March at 11.30am at Church of blessed sacrament Mullinhoe, Ardboe
May her gentle soul rest in peace.
Saint Padre Pio pray for her.