The death has occurred of:
Julie McElroy (née Gallagher)
McElroy, Julie. Formally of Glenswilly, New York and Omagh. Died 8th May 2024.
We, the family of the late Julie McElroy (nee Gallagher) wish to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all those who sympathised with us following the death of our beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Mother-in-law, Sister-in-law, Sister, Aunt and friend.
We would like to thank Julie’s sister Annie, Ann Reynolds and Sean O’Hare who were with Julie when she fell ill in Nashville and to the ambulance crew who first assisted Julie. The family would like to thank the surgeons in Vanderbilt Hospital, Nashville who worked at speed to treat Julie and all the hospital staff for the compassionate care given to both Julie and the McElroy family.
The family will always be grateful to Marie Mallon who travelled from San Francisco to be with Julie in her time of need in Nashville and provided immeasurable assistance to our family both in Nashville and New York, thank you.
Our thanks is extended to Fr Fitzsimmons and the wider Irish community in Nashville who reached out and helped our family when we travelled to be with Julie. To Gerry and Ann Kiely in Woodlawn, New York for their assistance in arranging that Julie was included in the Sunday Mass in St Barnabas Church, Woodlawn and all our friends and relatives who attended. Our thanks also to the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust (KBRT) and Bergen Funeral Services, New Jersey. Your help and support was invaluable.
To C.C.E. both at local and county level and Julie’s friends in the dancing fraternity, thank you for all your support. To those who worked tirelessly in the kitchen and marquee throughout the wake. To those who brought food and other provisions. To those who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, social media posts, flowers and gave donations to the KBRT, thank you all.
Thank you to Omagh CBS for their cooperation and use of car parking facilities. To the local GAA clubs and individuals who volunteered to help in any way, thank you. A sincere word of gratitude to Clogher Eire Og GAC members and all those helped insure the smooth running of traffic management and stewarding throughout the wake and on the day of Julie’s funeral.
A special word of thanks to Fr Paddy Baker for his presence when Julie arrived home and for his uplifting Funeral Mass. Thanks also to Declan the Sacristan and Fr Eugene Hasson for his cooperation and spiritual guidance. To all those who provided a guard of honour and arrived the Tyrone and Donegal flags outside the Church, thank you.
A special word of thanks to the McKenna family for the beautiful touching music both in the house and the Church, your contribution enriched the Funeral Mass. A sincere thanks to Daniel O’Donnell for his unassuming and welcomed presence at the funeral. It was very fitting that Julie’s remains were carried out of the Church to the sound of Daniel singing The Homes of Donegal. We would like to thank Brendan Devenney, piper, for his music outside the Church and at the graveyard. We also thank the gravediggers at St Mary’s, Drumragh for preparing Julie’s final resting place with such care.
We would like to thank Dun Uladh for the use of their facilities and C.C.E for providing refreshments after the Funeral. A sincere thankyou to C.C.E, Dun Uladh for their thoughtful and beautiful tribute to Julie with their digital collage of treasured photos throughout the years which was on display in the foyer.
Thank you to the Doctors and staff of Drumragh Family Practice for their expressions of sympathy and compassion at this time. We especially thank our kind relatives, close friends (you’ll know who you are) and neighbours, including those who travelled to be with us and support us during this time from Wales, England, Scotland and all over Ireland, especially the large representation from Julie’s home parish of Glenswilly and surrounding areas.
A special word of thanks to Nuala & Siobhan McGowan and Jim & Mary Gourley, New York and Patsy Mallon, San Francisco who travelled home for the wake and funeral.
Finally we thank Paudge Quinn, Funeral Director, for his support and professionalism which included Julie’s dignified journey home from Dublin Airport right through to all arrangements as we laid Julie to rest.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgment as a token of our sincere appreciation for all your support during this difficult time.
Julie’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated in the Sacred Heart Church, Omagh on Friday 5th July at 7.30pm.
Our Lady Pray For Her.