The death has occurred of:
Joseph McGORRY
The family of the late Joseph Mc Gorry RIP, wish to express our sincere thanks to all of those who sympathised with us in our recent bereavement. We would especially thank the kind relatives, neighbours and friends who helped in any way during the wake.
Thanks to those who messaged, sent cards and attended the wake and funeral. We are truly grateful for the beautiful mass and funeral by Fr Sean Mc Guigan and Deacon Eamon Quinn and to everyone involved in the music and preparation of the church we will be forever grateful.
A special thank you to the staff of the Oaks medical centre, Cookstown, the district nursing team, Falls chemist and to the carers who devoted their attention and care to daddy over the past few months.
We would also like to thank Marie Currie for their help and support through a very difficult period for our family.
To Niall Loughran Funeral directors we express our heartfelt gratitude for the professional and dignified manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. Thanks also to the gravediggers.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a sincere appreciation.
The month's mind mass for Joseph will be celebrated on Sunday the 21st May 2023 in Holy Trinity church Cookstown at 12:00pm. Joseph’s months mind mass can also be viewed online via the link below;