The death has occurred of:
Josephine McConville
The Husband Seamus and family of the late Josephine McConville would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement.
To all our family, friends and neighbours whose help and support was invaluable over the wake, funeral and throughout Josephine's final few months of illness we are especially thankful.
We wish to thank all those who attended the wake, funeral and who brought mass and sympathy cards, and who provided food or helped in any way during this difficult time.
Our sincere gratitude to the district nursing team who cared for Josephine in her final months.
A heartfelt thank you to Father Desmond Loughran for his pastoral care to Josephine and to us as a family over the years. Thank you for celebrating a very personal and beautiful funeral mass which gave us as a family great comfort. Thanks also to Father Brian Fitzpatrick for his pastoral care to Josephine.
We also thank Pat and Ciaran for providing the beautiful music and singing and Paula for the lovely readings all of which enhanced the mass.
Thank you to McAlinden and Murtagh funeral directors for the dignified and professional way in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we trust this acknowledgment will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere gratitude.
Josephine's months mind mass will be celebrated on Saturday 4th November at 6pm in St Mary's Church, Derrytrasna.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Blessed Virgin Mary Pray for her.