The death has occurred of:
Josephine (Josie) McMahon (née Gallagher)
We, the family of the late Josie McMahon would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to all who expressed sympathy and support during our recent sad bereavement. We wish to recognise all the staff at the Palliative care ward in Omagh for their diligent, professional and respectful care and compassion during her time with them.
Thank you to our family, relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues who visited our home, lined the funeral cortege route, attended the funeral, sent mass & sympathy cards, letters & messages and floral tributes and expresses their condolences via telephone and social media. We deeply appreciate those who brought food & gifts, made tea throughout the wake and helped organise traffic & parking.
Thank you to everyone who came to the house the morning of the funeral and those who carried Josie on her final journey. We would like to thank all those who contributed to Josie’s funeral mass. We thank James, Joan and Eilish for the beautiful music and singing. A special word of thanks to Fr Mullan for his spiritual support and for the comforting Requiem Mass. We are deeply grateful to Fr Cross, Fr McGeehan, Fr Hassan and Fr O’Kane for their prayers, blessings and support for Josie and her family.
Our sincere thanks and appreciation to Sean O’Kane & Sons Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out and to the grave diggers for preparing Josie’s final resting place.
Thank you to the Silver Birch Hotel for providing the funeral meal afterwards. As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our family’s deepest gratitude.
Josie’s Month Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Patricks Church, Langfield, Drumquin on Saturday 20th November 2021 at 6.30pm.