Joseph (Joe) BLOOMER


The family of the late Joseph (Joe) Bloomer would like to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathized with us in our recent bereavement, especially our family, extended family, friends, colleagues and neighbours for their support throughout this difficult time.

We would like to thank everyone who provided food and assistance during the wake, especially to Tasty Bites and Pizzeria Cookstown, those that telephoned, sent messages of condolences, sent Mass and sympathy cards, sent flowers, attended the wake, and attended the funeral. All those that travelled and everyone that showed their respect and lined the funeral route. As well, as St Vincent de Paul who provided a guard of honour at the Chapel.

A special word of thanks to all who cared for Joseph, especially the Ambulance Service, staff in Ward A5 Antrim Area Hospital, the Community Care Team at Ann’s Care and GP staff at Loy Medial Centre.

Special thanks to Fr Boyle, Fr McGuckin, Deacon Eamon, Fr John Fortune (on behalf of Fr Frank Quinn) who delivered a lovely Funeral Service in celebration of his life. We also thank the Sacristan Michael Gallagher, Eucharistic Ministers, Acolyte’s Conor and Eoghan. Also, to Ciara Hagan, Jackie Fox and Eamon Donnelly for their beautiful singing and music. Thank you to the Funeral Director, ‘Niall A Loughran’, especially Joanna and Michael for their dignified and professional manner, the gravediggers, Stephen Mallon Flowers, and all those involved in the arrangements for the Requiem Mass and Burial.

As it is impossible to thank everyone by name, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our heartfelt thanks. A mass will be offered for all your intentions.

Joseph’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated in Holy Trinity Church, Cookstown on Sunday the 26th of June at 12 noon.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our trust in thee, Our Lady of Lourdes pray for him.

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Service Arrangements

Service date & Time

26 June 2022, 12 Noon



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Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors & Funeral Homes

Railway Yard,
Co. Tyrone
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028 8676 5454 / 07732542229
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The death has occurred of:
Joseph (Joe) BLOOMER

The family of the late Joseph (Joe) Bloomer would like to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathized with us in our recent bereavement, especially our family, extended family, friends, colleagues and neighbours for their support throughout this difficult time.

We would like to thank everyone who provided food and assistance during the wake, especially to Tasty Bites and Pizzeria Cookstown, those that telephoned, sent messages of condolences, sent Mass and sympathy cards, sent flowers, attended the wake, and attended the funeral. All those that travelled and everyone that showed their respect and lined the funeral route. As well, as St Vincent de Paul who provided a guard of honour at the Chapel.

A special word of thanks to all who cared for Joseph, especially the Ambulance Service, staff in Ward A5 Antrim Area Hospital, the Community Care Team at Ann’s Care and GP staff at Loy Medial Centre.

Special thanks to Fr Boyle, Fr McGuckin, Deacon Eamon, Fr John Fortune (on behalf of Fr Frank Quinn) who delivered a lovely Funeral Service in celebration of his life. We also thank the Sacristan Michael Gallagher, Eucharistic Ministers, Acolyte’s Conor and Eoghan. Also, to Ciara Hagan, Jackie Fox and Eamon Donnelly for their beautiful singing and music. Thank you to the Funeral Director, ‘Niall A Loughran’, especially Joanna and Michael for their dignified and professional manner, the gravediggers, Stephen Mallon Flowers, and all those involved in the arrangements for the Requiem Mass and Burial.

As it is impossible to thank everyone by name, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our heartfelt thanks. A mass will be offered for all your intentions.

Joseph’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated in Holy Trinity Church, Cookstown on Sunday the 26th of June at 12 noon.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our trust in thee, Our Lady of Lourdes pray for him.


Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

26 June 2022, 12 Noon


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors & Funeral Homes

Railway Yard,
Co. Tyrone

Visit Website

028 8676 5454 / 07732542229

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