


The family of the late John McNaughton RIP wish to express their sincere gratitude to all those who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement.

Heartfelt thanks to all those who called at the home, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards and donated in lieu of flowers and to all those who brought food and helped at the family home throughout the wake.

A special thanks to Fr Patsy Mulholland and Fr Sean Connolly for their spiritual support and prayers and for the beautiful Requiem Mass and to Sonya and the Altar servers.

Thanks to Dora and Aimee for the music and to Wishie for preparing the grave. Thanks also to the doctors and nurses at the Frocess Medical Centre Cloughmills for their care over the last few years.

We are particularly grateful to John’s carers who provided such dignified care, support and friendship over the last years of his life.

Finally thank you to DJM Robinson and Son for the professional manner the funeral arrangements were conducted. We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.

John’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 29th April at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Church Loughgiel.

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Service Arrangements

Service date & Time

29 April 2023, 7.30PM



Share this sad news with friends and loved ones

D.J.M. Robinson & Son

121 Culcrum Road,
Co. Antrim
Visit Website
028 2763 8218
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The death has occurred of:



The family of the late John McNaughton RIP wish to express their sincere gratitude to all those who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement.

Heartfelt thanks to all those who called at the home, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards and donated in lieu of flowers and to all those who brought food and helped at the family home throughout the wake.

A special thanks to Fr Patsy Mulholland and Fr Sean Connolly for their spiritual support and prayers and for the beautiful Requiem Mass and to Sonya and the Altar servers.

Thanks to Dora and Aimee for the music and to Wishie for preparing the grave. Thanks also to the doctors and nurses at the Frocess Medical Centre Cloughmills for their care over the last few years.

We are particularly grateful to John’s carers who provided such dignified care, support and friendship over the last years of his life.

Finally thank you to DJM Robinson and Son for the professional manner the funeral arrangements were conducted. We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.

John’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 29th April at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Church Loughgiel.


Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

29 April 2023, 7.30PM


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Share this sad news with friends and loved ones

Kirwan Funeral Directors

D.J.M. Robinson & Son

121 Culcrum Road,
Co. Antrim

Visit Website

028 2763 8218

View Directory Profile