The death has occurred of:
John McCusker
We the family of the late John McCusker R.I.P. wish to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who sympathised, supported and helped us in anyway during our recent bereavement.
We sincerely thank those who sent Mass/Sympathy cards, provided food and expressed their condolences through telephone calls, messages and through Social Media, called at the house and attended the funeral. It is very much appreciated.
Heartfelt thanks to the paramedics and all the medical staff of Antrim Area Hospital who treated and cared for John, Dr McGuckian and staff at Magherafelt Diamond Centre, to all Coagh District Nurses, John O’Brien and staff of O’Brien/McLoughlin’s Chemist Magherafelt.
With special thanks to all the homecare workers that have been involved in John’s care for the past seven years. We thank you for the care you provided John over them years, you were a great source of support for us as well. Also thanks to Killian and Ballinderry Shamrocks GAC for their venue and to Adrian and Colette from the Bridge Bar for supplying food and refreshments.
We extend our thanks for Fr. Donnelly for the Requiem Mass and to Roisin and Emmet for the beautiful music.
Thanks also to Lavery’s Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements and to John Wilson sacristan and the grave diggers.
We also extend our thanks to all the Homes John enjoyed respite in and to Magherafelt Day Centre which John greatly enjoyed over the years.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be a token of our sincere thanks and appreciation.
John’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Patrick’s Church Ballinderry on Thursday 28th April at 7.30pm and will be available to view via Church Webcam (link below)