The death has occurred of:
John Burke
We, the family of the late John Burke, wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who supported us in our recent bereavement. Many thanks to all those who sent Mass / Sympathy cards, messages of condolence, provided food and helped out at the wake, also for those who made donations in lieu of flowers. To those who attended the wake, funeral or burial, your presence was much appreciated. A special thanks to the staff of A&E South West Acute Hospital. Sincere thanks to Father Gerry Alwill for celebrating such a meaningful funeral Mass and for his kind words. A heartfelt thanks to Swift & McCaffrey Funeral directors; Leo and Conor, for their supportive guidance, professionalism and respectful way in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. Thank you to the grave diggers, to Karen McElroy for the beautiful music, the ladies of Teemore for serving refreshments in the hall after interment. To the Mountain Road Pipe band for escorting John on his final journey. As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by everyone as a token of our appreciation at this sad time.
John’s Month’s Mind Mass will take place on Sunday 31st March 2024 at 9.45am in St. Mary’s Church, Teemore.