The death has occurred of:
We the family of the late John Bannon; Eileen, Mary and Damian, Geraldine and Allen, and Anna would like to thank all who sympathised with and supported us since John’s death.
Firstly, we want to thank Monsignor Peter O’Reilly for the beautiful funeral Mass which we found very comforting, and also John McKeegan for his lovely prayers and words of consolation. Thank you to Len Carberry, Marcus Madill and grave diggers.
We are grateful to all who helped in the kitchen and to all who brought food to the house, it was much appreciated.
Grateful thanks to Sue Fee’s family who were so kind, supportive and generous with their time, before and since John’s death.
Thank you to all who cared for John; home carers, GP Dr Foster, Laura in Lisbellaw Medical Hall, Marie Curie carer & nurses, doctors and nurses in both Belfast City Hospital and South West Acute Hospital.
Not forgetting Debbie and Maud for their kindness on the morning of the funeral.
John’s months mind Mass together with Shane’s 19th Anniversary Mass will be celebrated at 9.30 am on 13th October in St Mary’s Lisbellaw.