The death has occurred of:
John Patrick (Pat) McNulty
We the family of the late John Patrick (Pat) McNulty, 106 Ballygawley Road, Dungannon would like to express our sincerest of thanks and heartfelt gratitude to everyone who sympathised and supported us during our recent bereavement.
We are indebted to all those who lined the funeral cortège route, attended the funeral service or viewed it online. We took great comfort from all those who supported us, sent Mass and sympathy cards, visited or telephoned us, or who passed on expressions of condolence via social media. We thank Killeeshil GFC and Donaghmore GFC for providing equipment and chairs for the wake.
We offer our particular thanks to Father Moore for his spiritual support, guidance and kindness and for celebrating the beautiful Requiem Mass. A special word of thanks to Mrs Angela Morgan and family on providing the music that made our mass so special.
Our family also wishes to pay tribute to everyone who helped care for Pat: the paramedics, doctors and nursing staff of Craigavon Area Hospital; the staff of Loane House and Glenview Nursing Home; the Health and Social Care team, especially his dedicated carers.
We would like to sincerely thank E Quinn & Sons Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which they carried out all the funeral arrangements during this difficult time.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgment will be accepted by all in grateful appreciation.
Pat’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 6th November in St Patrick’s Church, Donaghmore at 6pm