John (Johnny) QUINN


We, the family of the late John (Johnny) Quinn, would like to extend our most sincere thanks and appreciation to all who supported and sympathised with us during our recent sad loss.

We are deeply grateful to everyone who attended the wake, brought Mass and sympathy cards, and gave gifts of food and flowers.

A heartfelt thanks to those who sent letters and cards, messaged us, and posted tributes on social media.

Special thanks go to our friends who worked tirelessly throughout the wake, providing refreshments for all who attended. We would also like to express our gratitude to our kind neighbours in Burrendale, especially the Independent Methodist Church for kindly granting us parking facilities and Enniskillen Gaels GAC for providing stewarding.

Our sincere thanks to Fr Raymond Donnelly for the beautiful Mass, and to Maeve Devlin, Eoin Corrigan, and Ben Kettyles for the music and singing. We also extend our thanks to the readers, gift bearers, Eucharistic Ministers, and pallbearers. We are grateful to the Enniskillen Gaels GAC and St Aidan’s HS Derrylin for the guards of honour.

We appreciate the care John received from the paramedics, the doctors and nurses at A&E in SWAH, particularly the help and care of Dr Brian Gallen. Thanks also to the staff of Lakeside Medical Practice and the Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast for their diligence and care during John’s illness.

Our thanks go to Gavin Cassidy and the staff of the Westville Hotel for providing refreshments both at the wake house and after the funeral Mass. We are also very grateful for the generosity of Emmett Sweeney and Franco’s Restaurant during the wake.

Thank you to the men who prepared John’s final resting place in Cross Cemetery.

We would also like to express our heartfelt thanks to John McKeegan Funeral Director for the professional, caring, and sympathetic manner in which he conducted the funeral arrangements.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude to all who have helped and supported us during this difficult time.

John’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Michael’s Church, Enniskillen on Sunday 3rd November at 12 noon

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John McKeegan Funeral Undertaker

50 Mill Street,
Co. Fermanagh
028 6632 6762 / 07843 054120
View Directory Profile

The death has occurred of:
John (Johnny) QUINN

We, the family of the late John (Johnny) Quinn, would like to extend our most sincere thanks and appreciation to all who supported and sympathised with us during our recent sad loss.

We are deeply grateful to everyone who attended the wake, brought Mass and sympathy cards, and gave gifts of food and flowers.

A heartfelt thanks to those who sent letters and cards, messaged us, and posted tributes on social media.

Special thanks go to our friends who worked tirelessly throughout the wake, providing refreshments for all who attended. We would also like to express our gratitude to our kind neighbours in Burrendale, especially the Independent Methodist Church for kindly granting us parking facilities and Enniskillen Gaels GAC for providing stewarding.

Our sincere thanks to Fr Raymond Donnelly for the beautiful Mass, and to Maeve Devlin, Eoin Corrigan, and Ben Kettyles for the music and singing. We also extend our thanks to the readers, gift bearers, Eucharistic Ministers, and pallbearers. We are grateful to the Enniskillen Gaels GAC and St Aidan’s HS Derrylin for the guards of honour.

We appreciate the care John received from the paramedics, the doctors and nurses at A&E in SWAH, particularly the help and care of Dr Brian Gallen. Thanks also to the staff of Lakeside Medical Practice and the Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast for their diligence and care during John’s illness.

Our thanks go to Gavin Cassidy and the staff of the Westville Hotel for providing refreshments both at the wake house and after the funeral Mass. We are also very grateful for the generosity of Emmett Sweeney and Franco’s Restaurant during the wake.

Thank you to the men who prepared John’s final resting place in Cross Cemetery.

We would also like to express our heartfelt thanks to John McKeegan Funeral Director for the professional, caring, and sympathetic manner in which he conducted the funeral arrangements.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude to all who have helped and supported us during this difficult time.

John’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Michael’s Church, Enniskillen on Sunday 3rd November at 12 noon


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

John McKeegan Funeral Undertaker

50 Mill Street,
Co. Fermanagh

028 6632 6762 / 07843 054120

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