
Mrs Mary Rafferty and children Cheryl, Finuala & Conrad of the late John Rafferty who sadly passed away on 24th July 2024 wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who sympathised with us on our recent bereavement.

Thanks to everyone who attended John's wake and Requiem Mass. To those who sent cards and letters, and also those who gave donations in lieu of flowers to the Alzheimer's Society. We are truly grateful.

A sincere thanks to Fr Slater who celebrated the Requiem Mass, and Fr Boyle who attended John at home.

Thank you also to the Ellie O’Neill accompanied by Nuala for the beautiful music.

We are eternally grateful for the professional care and compassion provided by the carers who attended John in his last year at home, and also the pallative care district nurses and Ann's carers who looked after him in his final week.

Special thanks to Nial A. Loughran Funeral Directors Cookstown for the professional and graceful way in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. Joanna, Geraldine, Colleen & Michael for their warmth and guidance during our difficult time.

Special thanks to those who assisted with the wake, brought food and flowers. it was very much appreciated.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted with all with our heartfelt thanks.

John's months mind mass will be celebrated on 24/8/2024 in Church of the Most Holy Trinity Church Cookstown at 6:00pm.

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Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors & Funeral Homes

Railway Yard,
Co. Tyrone
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028 8676 5454 / 07732542229
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The death has occurred of:

Mrs Mary Rafferty and children Cheryl, Finuala & Conrad of the late John Rafferty who sadly passed away on 24th July 2024 wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who sympathised with us on our recent bereavement.

Thanks to everyone who attended John's wake and Requiem Mass. To those who sent cards and letters, and also those who gave donations in lieu of flowers to the Alzheimer's Society. We are truly grateful.

A sincere thanks to Fr Slater who celebrated the Requiem Mass, and Fr Boyle who attended John at home.

Thank you also to the Ellie O’Neill accompanied by Nuala for the beautiful music.

We are eternally grateful for the professional care and compassion provided by the carers who attended John in his last year at home, and also the pallative care district nurses and Ann's carers who looked after him in his final week.

Special thanks to Nial A. Loughran Funeral Directors Cookstown for the professional and graceful way in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. Joanna, Geraldine, Colleen & Michael for their warmth and guidance during our difficult time.

Special thanks to those who assisted with the wake, brought food and flowers. it was very much appreciated.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted with all with our heartfelt thanks.

John's months mind mass will be celebrated on 24/8/2024 in Church of the Most Holy Trinity Church Cookstown at 6:00pm.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors & Funeral Homes

Railway Yard,
Co. Tyrone

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028 8676 5454 / 07732542229

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