The death has occurred of:
John Anthony Oliver McCULLAGH
Oliver's wife Mary, daughter Olivia (Conor Mullin) sons Connor (Louise), Pierce (Tracey), grandchildren and extended family are profoundly grateful for the overwhelming support and condolences received during their recent sad bereavement.
They wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all who sympathised with them, sent mass cards or online via social media, helped with catering in the house, brought food, floral tributes, car parking and the grave diggers.
Thanks to all those who lined the route including the many guards of honour to pay their respects or attended the requiem mass either in person or by the Parish Webcam.
A special word of thanks to Father Gallagher for attending to Oliver's spiritual requirements his insightful and meaningful homily described Oliver to perfection.
Thank you to Michael Kelly the Piper who led the hearse, Jacqueline Loughran, Eamon Donnelly, Seamus McGee and Cait Ni Cu Ulad for providing the beautiful music at the requiem mass.
Thanks to Dr McAuley the district nurses and all the medical staff at the neurosurgery ward in RVH Belfast who cared for Oliver.
A special mention of thanks to his niece Roisin O'Neill for her help kindness and compassion.
Thanks to Philip Morris Funeral Services, Michael McGuigan and Leo Donaghy who were so helpful and professional throughout.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this as a gesture of our family's deepest gratitude.
Oliver's months mind mass will be celebrated in St Patrick's Church Greencastle on Friday 25th March at 7:30pm and can also be viewed on Greencastle Parish Youtube Channel.