The death has occurred of:
Jason Deery
Deery Jason (Fintona) died peacefully at his late residence 7 McCaughey Terrace, Fintona BT78 2AX on Monday the 13th May 2024. Treasured father of Shauna Moore (Oisín). Cherished brother of Kevin, Jackie, Evey and the late Seamus. Beloved son on of the late Grace and Gordon.
Jason will be reposing in his late residence on Wednesday 15th May. House Strictly Private.
Jason will leave his late residence at 10.30am on Thursday 16th May for 11am requiem Mass in St. Lawrence’s Church, Fintona, Co Tyrone, followed by his burial afterwards in the adjoining Cemetery. Alternatively, the Mass can be watched on the Donacavey Parish website:
For those who wish to show a presence on the funeral route, Jason will travel from McCaughey Terrace, down the Brae towards Main Street, and along the Tattymoyle Road and Lisdergan Road to arrive at St, Lawrence’s Church for 10.50am.
Deeply regretted and sadly missed by his loving daughter, brother, sisters, in-laws, nephews, nieces and entire family circle and friends. Our Lady pray for him.