The death has occurred of:
Jane Hone
We the family of the late Jane R.I.P. wish to express our sincere thanks to all who sympathised with us during the recent and sad loss.
Sincere thanks to all those who attended the wake.
Thank you to all who sent messages of sympathy, mass cards, sympathy cards, brought food and floral tributes, and to those who helped in any way during the wake.
We really appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness.
To Carmel O’Neill we thank you for your generous, professional and sensitive care with the funeral arrangements.
A special word of thanks to Fr. David O’Kane for his prayers, support and beautiful funeral mass.
Sincere thanks to everyone who attended the funeral mass, and to those who stood along the roadside and outside the Church.
As it would be impossible to express our gratitude individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our heartfelt thanks.
Jane’s Month Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 24th October in St. Patrick’s Church Claudy at 11.30am.