The death has occurred of:
Frances Wilson and friends would like to thank everyone who sympathised with them in the recent sad passing of Jackie. They would like to thank all who attended the funeral, sent mass sympathy cards, letters of support, and gave donations to the charity. Thanks to Fr Fitzsimons (pp) for celebrating the requiem mass. Thanks also to Kate McClure for providing the music for the funeral. Thanks to Glenarm Presbyterian Church for the use of the hall for the refreshments after the funeral and also to Gillian Wharry and her team for supplying the beautiful food. Thanks also to the management and staff of the Antrim Estate for their help at the cemetery. Thanks to Ambrose McSparron & Sons Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified manner in which the funeral was carried out. Please accept this as a token of our deep appreciation. Jackie's month's mind mass will be celebrated in the Church of the Immaculate Conception Glenarm on Wednesday 2nd November 2022 at 7.30 pm.