The death has occurred of:
Joy, Nigel, Olive, Stephen, Neil, Darren and Frazer, the family of the late Ian McCartney, wish to extend their heartfelt gratitude to all those who sympathised, prayed for and supported them through a very difficult time. The family were greatly moved by the hundreds of cards, letters, telephone calls and social media comments. The many floral tributes brought solace in a time of sorrow and the family want to express their thanks to those who showed their respect along the funeral route.
A sincere thanks to Rev David Bell for his prayers, support and for the church service which was a fitting celebration of Ian’s life. The singing by Grace Davidson was a beautiful contribution and was greatly appreciated.
Thanks to Bryan Steenson and his team for carrying out the funeral arrangements and for his guidance, sincerity and professionalism.
A special thankyou to the Emergency Services, Air Ambulance and the specialist doctors and nurses in attendance at the Royal Victoria Hospital.
It would be impossible to thank everyone individually for their support at this difficult time, so we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as an expression of our deep gratitude to all.
“Always ready to do his best with a heart so true and tender.
He devoted his life to those he loved and those he loved remember.”
The many donations received in memory of Ian has reached the amazing amount of £10,150. This has brought the family great comfort in that it reflects the fullness of Ian’s life through the number of lives he touched during his short time with us all.