
We the family of Hugh Smyth (Broom Drive, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone) would like to show our appreciation to all who called at the home, brought food, sent cards, attended Daddy’s funeral and helped in any way during this time. A special word of thanks to the Clogher team of district nurses who assisted us in looking after daddy and fulfilling his wishes to be looked after in his own home. Thank you to Father Gallagher and Canon Dawson for their support to both Daddy and our family throughout his final days. To Ollie and Leo Swift for their care and compassion throughout his funeral. As it’s impossible to thank everyone involved individually in daddy’s care, as a family we really do appreciate the help we received from extended family and the local community.
Hugh's months mind Mass will be held on Sunday 31st Dec at 10am in St Mary’s Church, Fivemiletown.
Caroline, Sean, Colette, Damien, Karen and Tracey.

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Swift & McCaffrey Funeral Directors

Co. Fermanagh
028 677 22085
Fax: 02867723249
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The death has occurred of:
Hugh Smyth

We the family of Hugh Smyth (Broom Drive, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone) would like to show our appreciation to all who called at the home, brought food, sent cards, attended Daddy’s funeral and helped in any way during this time. A special word of thanks to the Clogher team of district nurses who assisted us in looking after daddy and fulfilling his wishes to be looked after in his own home. Thank you to Father Gallagher and Canon Dawson for their support to both Daddy and our family throughout his final days. To Ollie and Leo Swift for their care and compassion throughout his funeral. As it’s impossible to thank everyone involved individually in daddy’s care, as a family we really do appreciate the help we received from extended family and the local community.
Hugh's months mind Mass will be held on Sunday 31st Dec at 10am in St Mary’s Church, Fivemiletown.
Caroline, Sean, Colette, Damien, Karen and Tracey.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Swift & McCaffrey Funeral Directors

Co. Fermanagh

028 677 22085


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