The death has occurred of:
Hughie McMahon
1st Anniversary
In loving memory of a dear Father and Grandfather who died 30th December 2021.
Two tired eyes are sleeping two willing hands are still, Dad who always worked hard, is resting at God’s will, may the road rise to meet you, may the wind be at your back, may the sun shine upon your face, the rains fall softly upon your fields and until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Sadly missed by your loving daughters Carmel, Donna, Imelda, Brenda, loving sons Padraig and Matthew, Daughters in-law Clodagh and Lauren, Son in-laws Andy, Kevin, Peter and Mazen, Grandchildren Nadine, Conrad, Cody, Ewuan, Oisin, Joe, Peader, Darcie, Lelia-Rose, Jasmine, Shereen, Lauren, Teagan, Ruairi, family circle and Friends.
First Anniversary Mass on Thursday 22nd of December 2022 at 7.30pm St Colmcilles Church Carrickmore.