The death has occurred of:
Gerry Callaghan
Acknowledgement – Gerry Callaghan, 4 Valley Fold, Fivemiletown, formerly of 125 Main St, Clogher. Died 15th March 2024.
The family of the late Gerry Callaghan would like to express our deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised, prayed for and supported us through our recent sad bereavement. Gerry was a widely respected gentleman and a dearly loved uncle and friend.
We would like to acknowledge all those who paid their respects in any way. Thank you to those who sent Mass or sympathy cards, donations and to those who left messages online or via social media.
Sincere thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbours who helped us in so many ways to grieve as a family. A special thanks to Mary Hackett and Eimear Hanna for their help during the wake in Grianan House Funeral Home. Thanks to the many friends who attended the wake, and to those who brought or provided food, especially Kim and Bertha for their generosity. We also very much appreciate the relatives, neighbours and friends who lined the funeral route or who joined us at the Requiem Mass.
A special word of thanks to Father Brendan Gallagher for his spiritual support, his welcomed pastoral visits to Gerry and the memorable requiem Mass. Thanks also to Louise Coyle for enhancing the service with her reverent and beautiful music, and to the sacristan, Patrick Robinson, for live streaming the service.
Thank you to McAtee Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. Thanks to Patrick, Vincent and Fran for the warmth with which they received us, and their readiness to help in any way. The beautiful and tranquil surroundings of Grianan House was a great comfort to us. Also thanks to Tommy and Sammy Irwin for the horse drawn funeral carriage, which added the final touch to our farewell to Gerry.
Our thanks also to Lakelands Crematorium, Cavan.
And finally we send our grateful thanks to all the health professionals who contributed to making Gerry’s life more comfortable in his later years; to his Doctors and the district nurses, to Clogher Valley Day Centre and to his carers, especially Edel and Emily, who he described as the best in the country, for their dedicated work.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our family’s deepest gratitude.
Gerry is ever loved and sadly missed. May his warm and generous soul be granted eternal rest. His Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Mary’s Church, Fivemiletown on Sunday 21st April at 10 am. Our Lady pray for him.