
Jordan. The wife and daughters of the late Gerald Jordan, would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the many family, friends, work colleagues, and our neighbours from Wynnehill who surrounded us with love, support and prayers during our recent heartbreaking bereavement also to everyone who called at the house, left Mass Cards, Sympathy Cards, flowers and food.

A special thankyou to the Doctors and staff of Wynnehill Surgery, Hamill’s Pharmacy Portadown, St Peter’s GAA for their respectful guard of honour at the house and chapel, To Noel McCann, and thanks to Niamh Murray for singing at Daddy’s Mass.

Thanks also to Canon Liam Stevenson for your beautiful words at the funeral Mass. Finally to Jack and Margaret McLearnon for your dignified arrangements and help with daddy’s funeral.

It is impossible to thank everyone individually but we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our gratitude and appreciation.

Daddy’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Peter’s Chapel Lurgan at 7pm on this Friday evening 4th October.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.

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J. McLearnon & Son

75 North Street,
Co. Armagh
028 3832 2232
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The death has occurred of:

Jordan. The wife and daughters of the late Gerald Jordan, would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the many family, friends, work colleagues, and our neighbours from Wynnehill who surrounded us with love, support and prayers during our recent heartbreaking bereavement also to everyone who called at the house, left Mass Cards, Sympathy Cards, flowers and food.

A special thankyou to the Doctors and staff of Wynnehill Surgery, Hamill’s Pharmacy Portadown, St Peter’s GAA for their respectful guard of honour at the house and chapel, To Noel McCann, and thanks to Niamh Murray for singing at Daddy’s Mass.

Thanks also to Canon Liam Stevenson for your beautiful words at the funeral Mass. Finally to Jack and Margaret McLearnon for your dignified arrangements and help with daddy’s funeral.

It is impossible to thank everyone individually but we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our gratitude and appreciation.

Daddy’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Peter’s Chapel Lurgan at 7pm on this Friday evening 4th October.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.


Funeral Details


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

J. McLearnon & Son

75 North Street,
Co. Armagh

028 3832 2232

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