Gerald (Doc) Crockett


Acknowledgement / Month Mind Mass

The family of the late Gerald (Doc) Crockett
Would like to thank everyone who sympathized
And supported them in the recent sudden loss of
A much-loved father, grandfather, brother and friend.
A special word of thanks to the residence G Lavey Fold
Who tried to help Doc and stayed with him until the Ambulance Service arrived
To all those who called to the house offered condolences brought mass cards
Floral wreaths and attended the funeral.
Thank you to everyone who provided food throughout the week
A special word of thanks to FR Mongan for celebrating the mass and for the lovely manner in
Which he spoke about our Daddy
To Sarah Griffin and Damien Mc Adams for the beautiful singing and music throughout the service

To Sean and James Carr for the professional and Dignified manner in which they looked after our daddy and carried out the funeral we are always forever grateful for the help and support you gave us
We cannot express how grateful we are for the kindness and support that has been shown to us
Over the past few weeks by everyone and hope that this will be accepted as a token of our thanks
Docs months mind will be @7.30pm Friday 15th July

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Service Arrangements

Service date & Time

15 July 2022, 7.30PM

Service Live Stream



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Abbey Funeral Services / Carr Funeral Services

8 Abbey Park,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
028 7126 3388
View Directory Profile

The death has occurred of:
Gerald (Doc) Crockett

Acknowledgement / Month Mind Mass

The family of the late Gerald (Doc) Crockett
Would like to thank everyone who sympathized
And supported them in the recent sudden loss of
A much-loved father, grandfather, brother and friend.
A special word of thanks to the residence G Lavey Fold
Who tried to help Doc and stayed with him until the Ambulance Service arrived
To all those who called to the house offered condolences brought mass cards
Floral wreaths and attended the funeral.
Thank you to everyone who provided food throughout the week
A special word of thanks to FR Mongan for celebrating the mass and for the lovely manner in
Which he spoke about our Daddy
To Sarah Griffin and Damien Mc Adams for the beautiful singing and music throughout the service

To Sean and James Carr for the professional and Dignified manner in which they looked after our daddy and carried out the funeral we are always forever grateful for the help and support you gave us
We cannot express how grateful we are for the kindness and support that has been shown to us
Over the past few weeks by everyone and hope that this will be accepted as a token of our thanks
Docs months mind will be @7.30pm Friday 15th July


Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

15 July 2022, 7.30PM


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Share this sad news with friends and loved ones

Kirwan Funeral Directors

Abbey Funeral Services / Carr Funeral Services

8 Abbey Park,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

028 7126 3388

View Directory Profile