Freddie & Aaron FINLAY


Freddie Finlay R.I.P. & Aaron Finlay R.I.P.

Whose birthdays occur around this time.

Happy heavenly birthday memories for my loving partner Freddie on 1st April, R.I.P.

Always a smile, always content, loved wherever you went.
True was your heart, your actions so kind,
what beautiful memories you left behind.

Also, our son Aaron on 24th April, R.I.P.
Little angel gone to sleep, your memories I will always keep.

I hold you both close within my heart and there you shall both remain
to walk with me throughout my life until we meet again, Eithne xx

Not lost, just gone before. Y.N.W.A.

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Ronnie Thompson Funeral Directors

20 Ballinderry Road,
Co. Antrim
Visit Website
028 9260 7367
Fax: 028 9262 9179
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The death has occurred of:
Freddie & Aaron FINLAY

Freddie Finlay R.I.P. & Aaron Finlay R.I.P.

Whose birthdays occur around this time.

Happy heavenly birthday memories for my loving partner Freddie on 1st April, R.I.P.

Always a smile, always content, loved wherever you went.
True was your heart, your actions so kind,
what beautiful memories you left behind.

Also, our son Aaron on 24th April, R.I.P.
Little angel gone to sleep, your memories I will always keep.

I hold you both close within my heart and there you shall both remain
to walk with me throughout my life until we meet again, Eithne xx

Not lost, just gone before. Y.N.W.A.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Ronnie Thompson Funeral Directors

20 Ballinderry Road,
Co. Antrim

Visit Website

028 9260 7367

028 9262 9179

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