The death has occurred of:
Frances Mc Glinn (née Owens)
We the family of the late Frances McGlinn extend our profound gratitude to everyone who sympathised and supported us during our recent sad bereavement. Our heartfelt thanks to those who called at the family home, travelled to be with us, attended the funeral, telephoned, left messages on social media, sent messages of sympathy, sent sympathy and Mass cards, brought refreshments, assisted with traffic management (PD coaches and Frankie & Paddy Owens for the use of their buses) and made donations in lieu of flowers. Thank you to all our kind relatives and friends who worked endlessly during the wake serving refreshments and food. Our thanks to McBride Spar, Pizzamac, SVDP, S&R Heaney, Centra Curr and Balloo your generosity was greatly appreciated. To the doctors and nurses at SWAH, doctors and nurses at Drumragh Family Practice, Beragh District Nursing Team, Marie Curie nurses, Carla from Palliative Care Team, and all mum’s carers we thank you for looking after mum with the greatest of professional care, compassion & dignity throughout her illness. We thank all the staff of Tallon’s pharmacy for their outstanding service to mum over the years. A special word of thanks to Fr McCartan for his pastoral support and his many visits to mum during her illness from which she got great comfort, for the support shown to us as a family and for the celebration of the heartfelt and consoling Requiem Mass. We also thank Fr McAleer and Fr McCrory who con-celebrated the Mass and for their spiritual visits to mum. We convey appreciation to everyone else who participated in any way in the preparation and celebration of the Mass including Louise Coyle who provided the beautiful music which enhanced the liturgy. Our thanks to Donaghy & Montague undertakers for the sensitive professional way in which they carried out the funeral arrangements and to those who prepared mum’s resting place. Finally, thanks to Sean & Roisin Heaney & staff for the refreshments after the funeral and to the Flaxmill for the use of their premises.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of Mass will be offered for your intentions
Frances’s Month’s mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 10tb February 2024 at 7.30 pm in St Patrick’s Church, Drumduff.