
The family of the late Ernie Walls would like to express their deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised with and offered support to them following Ernie’s death. Thanks to everyone who attended and helped out at the wake and funeral, for the cards and messages of support, your kindness was greatly comforting. To the ladies who served tea in the home your help is deeply appreciated. A special word of thanks goes to all the staff of The Northwest Cancer Centre Altnagelvin, Foyle Hospice, Marie Curie and the staff at Strabane Medical Centre.
A sincere expression of gratitude is extended to Rev. Philip Houston for his support of the family and for a beautiful funeral service and to the organist, Wendy McNamee, and Gwen Smyth for her assistance in the service. Also special mention to Ernie's dear friend Curtis Magee, for his singing during the church service. The guard of honour at Sion Mills Presbyterian Church and the poem from Ernie's DFI Roads colleagues, was very touching. Thanks to Hood & Co Undertakers, who were also old pals of Ernie's, to Sammy and Tommy Irwin with their horse hearse, Uel McMullan for piping and to the grave diggers.
To Murphy's On The Green for the fantastic refreshments and hospitality after the service.
Thank you also to all the people who have made donations to "Cancer Research NI".
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a sincere token of our appreciation at this time.

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Hood & Co. Undertakers

29 Main Street,
Co. Tyrone
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028 8166 1216
Fax: 07714690655
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The death has occurred of:
Ernie Walls

The family of the late Ernie Walls would like to express their deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised with and offered support to them following Ernie’s death. Thanks to everyone who attended and helped out at the wake and funeral, for the cards and messages of support, your kindness was greatly comforting. To the ladies who served tea in the home your help is deeply appreciated. A special word of thanks goes to all the staff of The Northwest Cancer Centre Altnagelvin, Foyle Hospice, Marie Curie and the staff at Strabane Medical Centre.
A sincere expression of gratitude is extended to Rev. Philip Houston for his support of the family and for a beautiful funeral service and to the organist, Wendy McNamee, and Gwen Smyth for her assistance in the service. Also special mention to Ernie's dear friend Curtis Magee, for his singing during the church service. The guard of honour at Sion Mills Presbyterian Church and the poem from Ernie's DFI Roads colleagues, was very touching. Thanks to Hood & Co Undertakers, who were also old pals of Ernie's, to Sammy and Tommy Irwin with their horse hearse, Uel McMullan for piping and to the grave diggers.
To Murphy's On The Green for the fantastic refreshments and hospitality after the service.
Thank you also to all the people who have made donations to "Cancer Research NI".
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a sincere token of our appreciation at this time.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Hood & Co. Undertakers

29 Main Street,
Co. Tyrone

Visit Website

028 8166 1216


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