Elizabeth KETTYLE


Husband Cyril and family of the late Elizabeth Kettyle, Derryadd, Lisnaskea, who died on 12th January 2024, wish to express our sincere thanks to all who supported and sympathised with us.

Thank you to the staff of the South West Acute Hospital for their kindness and medical care.

Our thanks to Rev. Lorraine Capper for her pastoral care and conducting a meaningful funeral service.

Thank you to Noel Robinson, Dowler's Funeral Services, for taking charge of the funeral arrangements so efficiently.

Thank you for donations in lieu of flowers to cancer charities; to all who came to the funeral home and church service, and our neighbours who were a great support.

Please accept this as an expression of our appreciation and gratitude

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Dowler Funeral Services

7 Cherryhill - Gortacharn,
Co. Fermanagh
028 6772 2471
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The death has occurred of:
Elizabeth KETTYLE

Husband Cyril and family of the late Elizabeth Kettyle, Derryadd, Lisnaskea, who died on 12th January 2024, wish to express our sincere thanks to all who supported and sympathised with us.

Thank you to the staff of the South West Acute Hospital for their kindness and medical care.

Our thanks to Rev. Lorraine Capper for her pastoral care and conducting a meaningful funeral service.

Thank you to Noel Robinson, Dowler's Funeral Services, for taking charge of the funeral arrangements so efficiently.

Thank you for donations in lieu of flowers to cancer charities; to all who came to the funeral home and church service, and our neighbours who were a great support.

Please accept this as an expression of our appreciation and gratitude


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Dowler Funeral Services

7 Cherryhill - Gortacharn,
Co. Fermanagh

028 6772 2471

View Directory Profile