The death has occurred of:
Eileen O'KANE
O KANE Eileen
Donaghanie Road
26 January 2023
The family of the late Eileen O Kane wish to express our sincere gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to all those who sympathised, prayed for and supported us during our recent bereavement. We would like to acknowledge all those who paid their respects in any way.
Our sincere gratitude to Fr. Kevin Mc Elhennon and Fr. Declan Mc Geehan for their spiritual support and guidance and to Fr. Mc Geehan for celebrating Mum’s beautiful mass.
Our sincere thanks is extended to the Manager and all staff of Knockmoyle Nursing Home for the excellent care given to Mum over the last few years.
Thank you to the Doctors and staff of Grange Family Practice.
A special word of thanks to Damien Conway and Gerarda Mc Cann for the beautiful music and to everyone who took part in the mass.
Thank you to Mairead Mc Bride and her staff for the refreshments provided after the funeral. Also, to all those who gave donations to Dementia UK Charity.
Finally, we would like to thank Peter O Kane funeral director for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out and also to the grave diggers for preparing Mum’s final place of rest.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgment as an expression of or deep gratitude.
Eileen’s month mind mass will be celebrated in St. Mary’s Church Killyclogher on Saturday 25th February at