Eileen McGUIRE


The brothers, sister and extended family circle of the late Eileen McGuire, R.I.P, wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all who sympathised with them during their recent sad bereavement. We appreciate all the support received from our family members, friends and neighbours which helped us so much.

We thank everyone who attended the wake, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, flowers and donations of food, also all who helped throughout the wake and funeral, provided refreshments and parking, especially Richard McAllister who provided space for parking.

A special thanks to the gravediggers.

Thanks to Dr. McKeever and all the staff of Loy Medical Centre, who provided care and support in Eileen’s latter years. We thank Eileen’s devoted carers who gave her unfailing care and attention.

We thank Monsignor Curran who attended the wake and Father Paddy Hughes PP who celebrated the beautiful requiem Mass. Thanks to Eamon Donnelly and Jackie Loughran who provided the beautiful music and singing.

Thanks also to the family members who did the readings, brought up gifts, and acted as Eucharistic ministers.
In particular, we thank Niall A. Loughran undertakers, especially Joanna who helped so much at such a difficult time.
Thanks also to Ramond Loughran and all at Mill wheel bar who provided the food after the funeral.
We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation.

The holy sacrafice of the mass will be offered for your intention.

Eileen’s month’s mind mass will be celebrated at Friday 6th Sept. at 7.30pm at St. Joseph’s Church Killeenan.”
It will also be able to be viewed via webcam

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Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors & Funeral Homes

Railway Yard,
Co. Tyrone
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028 8676 5454 / 07732542229
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The death has occurred of:
Eileen McGUIRE

The brothers, sister and extended family circle of the late Eileen McGuire, R.I.P, wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all who sympathised with them during their recent sad bereavement. We appreciate all the support received from our family members, friends and neighbours which helped us so much.

We thank everyone who attended the wake, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, flowers and donations of food, also all who helped throughout the wake and funeral, provided refreshments and parking, especially Richard McAllister who provided space for parking.

A special thanks to the gravediggers.

Thanks to Dr. McKeever and all the staff of Loy Medical Centre, who provided care and support in Eileen’s latter years. We thank Eileen’s devoted carers who gave her unfailing care and attention.

We thank Monsignor Curran who attended the wake and Father Paddy Hughes PP who celebrated the beautiful requiem Mass. Thanks to Eamon Donnelly and Jackie Loughran who provided the beautiful music and singing.

Thanks also to the family members who did the readings, brought up gifts, and acted as Eucharistic ministers.
In particular, we thank Niall A. Loughran undertakers, especially Joanna who helped so much at such a difficult time.
Thanks also to Ramond Loughran and all at Mill wheel bar who provided the food after the funeral.
We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation.

The holy sacrafice of the mass will be offered for your intention.

Eileen’s month’s mind mass will be celebrated at Friday 6th Sept. at 7.30pm at St. Joseph’s Church Killeenan.”
It will also be able to be viewed via webcam


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors & Funeral Homes

Railway Yard,
Co. Tyrone

Visit Website

028 8676 5454 / 07732542229

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