The death has occurred of:
8th February 2023
We, the family of the late Eamon Potter wish to express our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks to everyone who sympathised with us during our recent sudden bereavement.
We thank our families, friends and neighbours who helped us through this difficult time. Thanks to everyone who attended the wake, funeral, sent mass cards and sympathy cards. A special word of thanks to Classic Service Station, Campsie Service Station and O’Neill’s Centra for providing the beautiful food during the wake.
A special thanks to the paramedics, A&E Dept and staff of Ward 2 South at Craigavon Area Hospital for their care of Eamon during his brief illness. We would also like to thank Dr Mc Cormack and his medical team for their professionalism during Eamon’s passing.
A special thanks to the X-ray Dept in Omagh for all their help over past few months and to Kevin Kelly of Kelly’s Chemist Omagh.
We thank Fr. Donnelly for his spiritual guidance, prayers and celebration of the requiem mass. Thanks to everyone who participated in the funeral mass, including the readers and beautiful music by Jacqueline Loughran and Eamon Donnelly. Thanks to Conor McCallion for the beautiful send off by piping Eamon to his place of rest.
We thank Niall Loughran funeral directors for the personal, professional and caring manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements and to the gravediggers who prepared Eamon’s final resting place.
Thanks to Raymond Loughran of the Millwheel in Dunamore for providing the lovely refreshments following the funeral.
Thanks to all the Greenhill Staff who provided a guard of honour at the Church.
Special thanks to Kildress and Greencastle GFC for all their help and support.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a small gesture of our sincere appreciation.
Eamon’s months mind mass will be celebrated on Friday 10th March in St. Patricks Church, Greencastle at 7.30pm.