The death has occurred of:
The Late Eamon Coyle
The family of the late Eamon Coyle would like to thank everyone who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement.
For all who attended the wake and Funeral Mass especially those who travelled from overseas to be with us it was very much appreciated and gave us great comfort.
For all those who sent mass cards, letters and massages or expressed their sympathy in any other way thank you. It was much appreciated.
Thanks to the staff of Altnagelvin Hospital of Foyle Hospice, his carers and Northside Medical Centre who looked after and supported Eamon so well in the course of his illness.
Thanks to Fr. McDevitt for the beautiful Requiem Mass and Erin Carlin and Monica McGuigan for the music.
A special thanks also to Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors.
As it is imposible to thank everyone individually we trust this will be accepted as a sincere token of thanks and gratitude to everyone