The death has occurred of:
Desmond McCurdy
The brothers and their families of the late Desmond McCurdy wish to express thanks to all who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement.
Thank you to all friends and neighbours and everyone who attended the wake and funeral, sent cards and messages of sympathy, also to those who gave donations in lieu of flowers.
We wish to express our gratitude to Paramedics and PSNI who responded so rapidly on the morning of Desmond's death. Thanks to the various care staff who attended Desmond faithfully every day in his home, to Doctor Greene and staff of Newtownstewart Medical Centre for their care and attention. Also, to Charlie McCallion for his friendship and support over many years.
Special thanks to Rev. Rob Craig for his pastoral care to the family and for conducting a lovely Service of Thanksgiving. Thanks and appreciation to James and Pearl Baxter for their neighbourly kindness, especially James's words of comfort and scripture on the evening of the removal to the Church. Thanks to the organist Wendy McNamee who provided such appropriate music and also to the grave diggers. Grateful thanks to the members of Newtownstewart Presbyterian Women who provided such lovely food in the Church Hall after the funeral.
Sincere thanks to Hood & Co, Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all, as a token of our heartfelt appreciation.
McCurdy families, Omagh and Bangor