
Kelly Dermot

Dearly beloved son of the late Leo and Sarah RIP, dear brother of Michael (Ann), Emmet (Siobhan), Seamus (Jacqueline), beloved partner of Pauline and dear uncle to his nephews, nieces, grandnieces and grandnephew.
Wish to express our gratitude to all who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement.
We thank everyone who visited during the wake, sent messages, brought Mass and sympathy cards, and provided comfort and emotional support at our time of need. Special thanks to our extended Family, Friends and Neighbours who helped provide refreshments during the wake.
We extend our sincere gratitude to all the Neighbours and everyone from Killeeshil Saint Mary’s GFC and Galbally Pearses GFC who assisted with traffic and parking arrangements.
Heartfelt thanks to all the Medical Staff at Parkview Surgery Dungannon, District Nurses, Marie Curie, Macmillan Nurses, Carers, Oncology Team Belfast City Hospital and Paul Donaghy’s Pharmacy Dungannon who provided the utmost care to Dermot in his time of need.
A special word of thanks to Fr. Patrick Hannagan PP for his compassion, prayers, spiritual guidance and for conducting the funeral Mass.
To everyone who participated in the Requiem Mass. Thanks also to musicians Lauren McCrory, Jim Hanna in singing and providing such comforting music.
Thanks to All Dermot’s Friends who travelled from all over Ireland to pay their respects from the quarry and concrete sector.
Finally, our deepest thanks to Paudge Quinn (Funeral Director) for his professional and dignified manner of Dermot’s funeral arrangements including meal afterwards.
Given that it’s impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgment will be accepted by all, as a token of our deep appreciation.
Dermot’s Month’s Mind Mass will take place on Wednesday 22nd November at 7.30 in St. Joseph’s Church Ackinduff, Killeeshil.

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E. Quinn & Sons

175 Ballygawley Road,
Co. Tyrone
028 8776 7529 / 07712 888791
View Directory Profile

The death has occurred of:
Dermot Kelly

Kelly Dermot

Dearly beloved son of the late Leo and Sarah RIP, dear brother of Michael (Ann), Emmet (Siobhan), Seamus (Jacqueline), beloved partner of Pauline and dear uncle to his nephews, nieces, grandnieces and grandnephew.
Wish to express our gratitude to all who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement.
We thank everyone who visited during the wake, sent messages, brought Mass and sympathy cards, and provided comfort and emotional support at our time of need. Special thanks to our extended Family, Friends and Neighbours who helped provide refreshments during the wake.
We extend our sincere gratitude to all the Neighbours and everyone from Killeeshil Saint Mary’s GFC and Galbally Pearses GFC who assisted with traffic and parking arrangements.
Heartfelt thanks to all the Medical Staff at Parkview Surgery Dungannon, District Nurses, Marie Curie, Macmillan Nurses, Carers, Oncology Team Belfast City Hospital and Paul Donaghy’s Pharmacy Dungannon who provided the utmost care to Dermot in his time of need.
A special word of thanks to Fr. Patrick Hannagan PP for his compassion, prayers, spiritual guidance and for conducting the funeral Mass.
To everyone who participated in the Requiem Mass. Thanks also to musicians Lauren McCrory, Jim Hanna in singing and providing such comforting music.
Thanks to All Dermot’s Friends who travelled from all over Ireland to pay their respects from the quarry and concrete sector.
Finally, our deepest thanks to Paudge Quinn (Funeral Director) for his professional and dignified manner of Dermot’s funeral arrangements including meal afterwards.
Given that it’s impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgment will be accepted by all, as a token of our deep appreciation.
Dermot’s Month’s Mind Mass will take place on Wednesday 22nd November at 7.30 in St. Joseph’s Church Ackinduff, Killeeshil.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

E. Quinn & Sons

175 Ballygawley Road,
Co. Tyrone

028 8776 7529 / 07712 888791

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