The death has occurred of:
David (Davy) Smyth
The Family of the late David (Davy) Smyth wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who supported and sympathised with them in their recent sad loss. Thank you to everyone who attended the funeral, contacted us, sent sympathy cards, flowers or helped in any way.
A special word of thanks to Rev Dr Julian Hamilton and Rev Henry Keys for their kind words and prayers which brought us great spiritual comfort .We are very grateful to Betty Scroggie for providing the music at the funeral. Also a special thanks to the Care Assistants from Optium Care who looked after Davy with respect and dignity. Also the Doctors and District Nurses and staff of the Glens of Antrim Medical Centre. Lastly we would like to thank Ambrose McSparron & Sons Funeral Directors for their Professionalism and support in arranging Davy’s Funeral.
Kathleen Smyth & Family.