Deeply regretted by her daughter Geraldine, son-in-law Paul, grandchildren Hannah and Daniel.
When at peace the body departs, though precious memories remain with our hearts.
Love you Mum and Granny.
Tuesday 13 June 2017
Deeply regretted by her daughter Margaret, grandchildren David, Stephen, Laura and their partners and great- grandchildren Jourdan, Megan, Corey, Jack, Grace and Charlie.
Silent thoughts of times together, hold memories that will last forever.
Tuesday 13 June 2017
Deeply regretted by her daughter Geraldine, son-in-law Paul and grandchildren Hannah and Daniel.
When at peace the body departs,
though precious memories remain within our hearts.
Love you mum/granny.
Sunday 11 June 2017
Deeply regretted by her daughter Margaret, grandchildren David, Stephen, Laura and their partners and great grandchildren Jourdan, Megan, Corey, Jack, Grace and Charlie.
Silent thoughts of times together,
hold memories that will last forever.
Sunday 11 June 2017