The husband and family of the late Margaret Barr thank everyone who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. Thanks to all who called, sent cards, gave donations in lieu of flowers, attended the funeral, especially those who travelled long distances or helped in any way. Thanks to all the staff of Bloomfield Surgery, to the staff of Clear Chemist, Thornleigh, the staff of South Eastern Social Care and Health Trust especially Wards 15, 12 and 6B, Dundonald Hospital, Community Nurses and First Response Teams. Thanks to Rev Canon Doogan for his tremendous strength and support, to Russells Funeral Directors for their compassion and professionalism and to La Mon House Hotel for providing refreshments after the funeral. Trusting this acknowledgement will be accepted as a sincere appreciation.
Tuesday 30 May 2017
The Barr and McShane families.
Dearly-beloved wife of Billy.
Will be sadly missed.
Deepest sympathy to Billy, from Ronnie and Lou McShane, Julie, David and Brian and their families.
Fondly remembered.
Friday 26 May 2017
We deeply regret the loss of Margaret and extend our sincere sympathy to Billy. At peace.
From Dave and Joan McShane and immediate family.
Friday 26 May 2017
Deeply regretted by her cousin Kathleen, husband John and family circle, at home and abroad.
We cannot have the old times back when we were all together,
but silent tears and loving thoughts will be with us all forever. x.
Friday 26 May 2017