Silent thoughts of times together hold memories that will last forever.
From your loving sister Evelyn, nephew Philip and wife Rebecca.
Wednesday 25 January 2017
Passed away January 23, 2017, peacefully, at Broadways Private Nursing Home, beloved nanny of Mark and Elaine, great-granny of Victoria, Martin and Alexandra. Tired and weary you made no fuss, you tried so hard to stay with us. God closed your eyes and gave you rest, for he alone knows what is best.
Tuesday 24 January 2017
Passed away January 23, 2017, peacefully, at Broadways Private Nursing Home, beloved nanny of Barbara and great-granny of Faye and Andre. A smile for all, a heart of gold, one of the best this world could hold, never selfish always kind, these are the memories you leave behind.
Tuesday 24 January 2017