Scobie William John (Willie) December, 9, 2023 Worshipable Masters, Officers and Brethen Kildoag LOL 1164 deeply regret the passing of esteemed Bro.William (Willie) Scobie and offers their sincere sympathy to his family at this sad time.
Monday 11 December 2023
W.M. Alan Kennedy; Sect: Gavin McCombe
Scobie William John ( Willie) December, 9, 2023 The Officers and Sir Knights of Donemana R.B.P 260 Deeply regret of the passing of our Esteemed Sir Knight William Scobie an honorary of the above Preceptory and extend their deepest sympathy to the family circle at this sad time.
Sunday 10 December 2023
W.M Colin Campbell, Reg. Wesley Nixon