Latest Sympathy Notices

May and I (David) are saddened to hear that Ray has passed. We have great memories of our time visiting you both on July 12th, 2007 with May's brother Ed and his wife Lorna. We were visiting in Belfast for 16 days from the US. May was born in Belfast and her Dad, Calvin Dobson pastored Templemore Hall in the early 60's before they left for America in 1964. We remember you had just broken your leg walking your dog that very morning, I think. You both invited us to stay for lunch and we stayed till evening, reminiscing and sharing connections with Ed and May's relatives (Dobson & McKnight) and others. Lorna played your piano as we sang hymns in your parlor. What a joyful time it was! We will never forget it! Last night I dreamt of that time, and this morning I was compelled to look up your names and the "Kingdom of Mourne" which I remembered seeing on your property, just to see if there was any recent information.
You are in our heart to pray for. "Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be COMFORTED" by the God of all comfort and Life eternal. Ray is certainly in the heart of JOY now as he was before, only more so.
God bless you, Joy! Tuesday 31 October 2023 David and May Dobson Bauscher in Cambridge, New York.
