Deeply regretted by son Robert and daughter in law Roberta. I am glad we had the chance to talk and see each other on the days before you left us.
I will carry those memories along with so many others always. We will always remember you with fondness and love.
Rest now.
Thursday 14 October 2021
Deeply missed by her Granddaughter Jacqueline and husband Ciaran.
May the winds of heaven blow softly and whisper in your ear.
How much we love and miss you and wish that you were here.
Tuesday 12 October 2021
Deeply regretted by her daughter Heather, partner Michael, grandchildren Keith, Jacqueline, Wilson & Zara.
Losing you Mum, is so permanent & inexpressible, it creates a wound that will never quite heal.
May the Angels hold you close.
Tuesday 12 October 2021