Very deeply regretted by his goddaughter Judith, husband Sandy and son Killian.
You were always there when we needed you,
no task was too great or small.
With loving heart and willing hands you did them all.
Thank you for the years you gave us, the many times we shared.
We only pray Uncle Malcolm that when you left us you knew how much we cared.
With much love always.
Friday 10 January 2020
Deeply regretted and sadly missed by niece Lydia, husband David, great-niece Emily and great-nephew Bobby.
Deep in our hearts your memory is kept,
to love, to cherish and never forget.
Friday 10 January 2020
Much-loved brother of Madeline and late brother-in-law Ken.
Never more than a thought away,
loved and remembered everyday.
Friday 10 January 2020
Deeply regretted and will be lovingly remembered by his sister Glynis and brother in-law Michael.
Those we love don’t go away,
they walk beside us every day.
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
still loved, still missed and very dear.
Wednesday 08 January 2020
Much-loved uncle of Caroline, Pauline and Angela.
Sweet are the memories silently kept
of an uncle we loved and will never forget.
Wednesday 08 January 2020
Deeply regretted by The Committee and Members of Whitehead Rangers S.C.
D Hadden Chairman.
Wednesday 08 January 2020
Deeply regretted and will be remembered by his son Niall.
Wednesday 08 January 2020
Niall O’Neill