The Officers and Sir Knights of RBP 550 deeply regret the passing of their esteemed Sir Knight Paul and extend their deepest sympathy to the family circle.
Raymond Gibson Registrar.
Monday 11 November 2019
The Officers and Brethern of Belfast District 7/8 L.O.L. deeply regret the death of their highly esteemed brother Paul and pass on their condolences to the family circle.
Gordon Gillespie W.D.M.
Monday 11 November 2019
The Worshipful Master and Sir Knights of Belfast No 6 RBDC (Shankill Road) deeply regret the death of our District Chaplain Sir Knight Paul Kinnear PDM and extend our deepest sympathy to his family circle.
The Lord is my Shepherd.
Monday 11 November 2019
Deeply regretted by aunt Maureen, Ian, Colin, Robert.
Sadly missed and always a gentleman.
Monday 11 November 2019
The members of No. 7/8 R.A.P.C. deeply regret the passing of their esteemed member Paul.
At peace with the Lord
Monday 11 November 2019
Royal Arch Purple District Chapter No.7/8, Officers and Brethren deeply regret the passing of the Worshipful Master Paul Kinnear and tender their sympathy to the family circle.
The Lord is my Shepherd.
Monday 11 November 2019
It is with great sadness that the officers and brethren of George Telford Memorial LOL 1118 have learnt of the death of their highly esteemed Brother Paul, and wish to pass on their condolences to the family circle.
David Graham W.M.
Monday 11 November 2019