A dearly loved brother-in-law to Sam and the late Anne and precious uncle of Jonathan and Judith.
He will be dreadfully missed.
Redeemed, with the precious blood of Christ. (1st Peter Ch. 1 vs. 18 and 19).
Wednesday 02 October 2019
Much-loved brother of Albert, wife Anne, nephew Ronald and niece Cherith.
Will be sadly missed.
Wednesday 02 October 2019
Deeply regretted by his brother Wesley, sister-in-law Gwyneth and nephew John. Grateful for the memories.
Sunday 29 September 2019
A dearly loved brother, who will be greatly missed by his sorrowing sister Gretta (Harris), brother-in-law of the late John and Uncle Andrew of Lilian and Adrian.
Absent from the body, present with the Lord. (2 Cor. 5. v. 8).
Sunday 29 September 2019