Deeply regretted by cousin Iris, husband Robert and family.
At peace.
Monday 30 September 2019
Precious memories of a special friend and cousin, who will never be forgotten.
From Miriam and Jim McClay.
Monday 30 September 2019
The Officers and Girls and past members of the 9th N.I. Girls' Brigade, deeply regret the death of our former Captain and President and extend our deepest sympathy to Janet and the family circle.
Seek, Serve and Follow Christ.
Monday 30 September 2019
So sorry to hear of Sylvia's passing. She was such a lovely gentle soul. Sympathy to Raymond and children and Sylvia's mother.
At peace.
Saturday 28 September 2019
All Sylvia's friends at the Northern Ireland Polio Fellowship
Deeply regretted by cousin Carol, husband Joe and family.
Safe in the Arms of Jesus.
Thursday 26 September 2019